government system

Revitalized Constitution

The government positions of The United Phoenix Empire of Haskaria

the Imperial Elder Council

The House of Royals

The House of Royals if the house where the King-Emperor sits, this is automatic, The monarch will always hold the main chair in the House of Royals, and the rest of the Royals are chosen from the nobility and distinguished citizens, as well as the family lineage of the Monarch. The royals hold office for ten years upon which the governmental purge takes place, where every official who has served the empire for 10 years will be removed from office to which the "former" official will no longer be able to hold any government position (the Monarch is excluded).

The House of Assembly

The House of Assembly is elected the day after every purge cycle, the length of each term is two years. so an assemblymember may only hold five terms as an assemblymember. The House of Assembly is led by the Head Chancellor who is determined by the party majority.

The Senate

The Senate is led by the Prime Minister, the terms for the Senate are two, five-year terms, more is described in the constitution.